Thursday, May 28, 2020

4 Out-of-the-Box Ideas to Finding a Job Building Your Future Now

4 Out-of-the-Box Ideas to Finding a Job Building Your Future Now As you begin your job search or have already invested some time looking, creativity is a something you must cultivate. Being creative while searching for a job will allow you to discover resources that often remain hidden to others. So start getting yourself noticed by using these out-of-box ideas to finding a job. 1.Create a website about you In this day and age anyone without any coding knowledge can create a website. There are several websites that can help you build you build a professional looking site without spending an arm and a leg. WordPress and SquaredSpace are two popular sites that come to mind. You can have a site up and running with these point and click web companies. Just add some content and voila you have a great online presence! This will give potential employers a positive perspective that you are online savvy while showing some of your interests. 2.Advertise your job search on Kijiji You see job ads all the time posted by employers how about turning the tables and posting your details as a job seeker? Many people use sites like Kiiji and Craigslist and who knows who will check out your post. Be sure to be descriptive and add key points about availability and experience. 3.Freelance on places like Fivrr Advertise your freelance services on sites like Fivrr. Although you wont be swimming in money, you will build a great portfolio while expanding your online network. This tip is especially great for creative types like graphic designers. 4.Learn apply and Try When you are on your job search always keep alert for potential marketing ideas of getting your self exposure. Always think out-the-box! When in doubt utilize Google as much as you can. Continually research and find ways from sources like books, movies, video games and other people to advertise yourself to the world. Remember you are the one trying to find a job; no one is going to do that for you and dont expect it will be easy to find something. Who knowsyou might stumble on a career opportunity like owning your own business while trying to find a job! Image: Raw Pixel

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